The most common acid fast staining method is Ziehl-Neelsen Staining method, it was described by two German doctors Franz Ziehl, a bacteriologist and Friedrich Neelsen, a pathologist. this method is used to identify acid fast organisms like Mycobacterium. Principle :- The lipoid capsule of the acid fast organism are of high molecular weight and remain waxy in room temperature so normal aqueous stain are unable to stain the cell. So in this method Carbolfuchsin are heat steamed and so that the lipoid capsule of the organism takes up the carbolfuchsin. Technique :-1. Prepare a smears of organisms to be stained. 2. Heat fix the smears. 3. Cut a absorbant paper to fit the slide leaving one end for handling. Do not allow the paper to protude beyond the slide,but smears must be covered. ...
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